Market trend of multifunctional coatings

Due to the problems of coating technology and production process in China, it is always difficult to get rid of the problems of various pollutants. The newly painted coating on the building wall is soon polluted by dust, rust stains and other dirt; At the same time, under the influence of ultraviolet light, the fading and aging phenomenon after twoorthree years can only be repainted. However, due to the indoor decoration pollution caused by formaldehyde, benzene, VOC, etc., the newly decorated houses can only be ventilated during the day and used at night. Even after oneortwo years, the pungent smell in the room is still difficult to disperse, seriously affecting people's health. Is there a kind of paint that can solve the problem of dirt and air pollution? Global experts are looking for answers

The killer of clean environment -- dirty pollution

1. the outdoor coating is seriously polluted by water erosion, oil stain, acid rain, moss, rust stain and other dirt;

2. serious accelerated aging and fading of outdoor coatings caused by ultraviolet radiation;

3. the indoor and outdoor coatings are seriously cracked, peeled, peeled, scrawled and advertised due to various natural and human factors;

4. indoor paint is seriously polluted due to oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, beverages, ink, graffiti, stickers, etc. in life and dining tables;

Analysis on the development trend of coatings market multifunctional coatings play a leading role

5. the indoor and outdoor environment is seriously polluted by all kinds of dirt. Even if it is cleaned every day, it will look dirty and old after twoorthree years. The original * gorgeous decoration can only be reinstalled and replaced. Repeated painting leads to a significant increase in maintenance costs

Killer of human health -- air pollution

1. in the newly decorated indoor environment, a large amount of formaldehyde, benzene, radon and other harmful gases are accumulated, which is always harmful to human health, especially the elderly, children and pregnant women. As a result, the incidence rate of leukemia, infertility, cancer and so on is rising, leading to frequent family tragedies caused by decoration!

2. benzene, formaldehyde and other harmful gases exist in the decorated rooms such as building materials, plates, paints, coatings, viscose, wallpaper, carpets, furniture, sofas and wall cabinets. The release period of harmful substances such as excessive formaldehyde and benzene in decoration materials is 3 ~ 10 years. For this reason, once the house is decorated, the invisible killer will always destroy the lives of his family!

3. in the indoor environment, especially in the environment with poor ventilation and crowded personnel, some pathogenic microorganisms are easy to spread through the air, making the susceptible people infected. Some common diseases caused by viruses and bacteria, such as influenza, pneumonia, measles, tuberculosis and other respiratory infectious diseases, will spread indoors with the help of air. Without any precaution, these viruses and bacteria are threatening our health and even our lives all the time

According to the above situation and the analysis of authoritative experts, the new multi-functional coatings with environmental protection and energy conservation will have greater development space. Experts put forward that the development direction of future coatings should first be in the aspect of environmental protection. It is not only safe and harmless, but also has super anti pollution and self-cleaning functions. It can also effectively remove indoor decoration pollution, reduce the threat of environmental pollution to people's physical and mental health, and walk out of a new idea of the coating market.